Bandit Level 5 → Level 6
Level Goal
The password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the inhere directory and has all of the following properties:
1033 bytes in size
not executable
Level Answer
1. find [starting-point...] [-size n[cwbkMG]]
- [-size n[cwbkMG]] File uses n units of space, rounding up.
The following suffixes can be used:
'b' for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix is used)
'c' for bytes
'w' for two-byte words
'k' for Kilobytes
'M' for Megabytes
'G' for Gigabytes
$ find inhere/ -size 1033c
2. cat [FILE]...
$ cat inhere/maybehere07/.file2
3. ssh [-p port] [user@]hostname
- [-p port] Port to connect to on the remote host.
$ ssh -p 2220 [email protected]
Level Password